Chess KEY Room

You will descend the stars to the game area of Chess KEY Room and only a flickering light of torch will help you in complete darkness down here. Roommaster explains the rules and tells you what to expect on the other side of robust iron doors. It´s nothing less than authentic crypt full of riddles, mysteries and searching for cues.

You are inside a Prague dungeon. A crypt of a criminal from 19th century. He had been committing violent crimes on young and pretty women. He has been severely punished for his sins - every midnight he turns into a vampire.

Will you manage to escape before the clock turns?

Chess Key Room is an advanced escape game

Escape room interior feels really authentic and the quest items fit very well into the atmospehere. The game is most suitable for a group of experienced players, as the story flow is not linear and there is more quests than usually.

Not many groups succeed to escape in time, as vampire wakes up from his tomb in 60 minutes. Will you be able to make it? Chess KEY Room is a very challenging escape room!

Discount CZK 200

Groups of 3-5 players get CZK 200 discount. You just need to insert a code solveprague into field Message when making a reservation. Groups of 2 players will receive a discount of CZK 100 with the same discount code solveprague.


Vítkova 244/8, Praha 8
Tel.: +420 739 480 415

Code: solveprague

Chess KEY Room

RoomsDifficultySuccess rateBest timePricePlayers
Chess KEY RoomChallenging44%32:231000 - 1200 CZK2 - 5
Chess KEY Room - review
8.8 / 10 Reviewer
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 10 Users (0 hlasy)
Story & Atmosphere8.5
Vampire crypt by Chess Key Room is an awesome game with plenty of quests. The game flows smoothly with every quest logically following the previous ones. We appreciate mainly authentic atmosphere of the game, as you play inside a real crypt with a tomb. The game is technologically advanced with beautiful quest items. The only downside is a missing lobby/reception. But this is compensated nicely with an authentic crypt environment. We totally recommend the Vampire Crypt. Don´t be afraid of vampires. Deal with them!
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